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Monday, June 27, 2011

West of Bathurst 897

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The Write-a-Thon officially started yesterday, at which point I did a search-and-destroy on some of my favourite adverbs. It turns out that "probably" is the one I abuse the most. I lost count of the number of "probably"s I had in my 98,000 manuscript, but I do know that in the course of getting rid of the majority of them, I reduced my word count by about 100. I should, er, probably use "probably" less often.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Panel 1: Rahim and Barbara are still wandering around, looking for Marie. Rahim has his phone out.

Rahim: Damn it...she's not answering her phone.

Panel 2:

You expect her to go off the rails like this on July eighteenth, not in the middle of June. Something isn't right.

Panel 3:

Barbara: What should we do?

Rahim: Keep calling. She can't ignore us forever.

Panel 4: Marie and Baldwin are sitting on a little bridge above a stream, their legs dangling. Marie holds up her phone, which is ringing.

Marie: I bet I can throw it far enough to hit that duck.

Baldwin: That's animal cruelty. Aim for the stepping stones.

Alt-Text: "Do not throw cell phones at ducks" is generally a good rule. So is "do not feed chocolate to ducks" (believe it or not, I actually had to say this to somebody once in the Massey quadrangle). "If she weighs less than a duck, she's made of wood" goes without saying. There are many duck-related rules.

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