Wednesday, June 29, 2011 |
Panel 1: Marie and Baldwin are sitting on a bridge in a park. Baldwin: So you just destroyed your cell phone. Marie: So what? Panel 2: Marie: I'm tired of people keeping tabs on me. It's just more manipulation. Panel 3: Marie [loudly]: Yes, universe, that is what this is really about! I have to decide whether or not to trust my lying former best friend, and right now, I hate him! Panel 4: Baldwin pats Marie on the shoulder. Baldwin: There, there. Pat, pat. Comforting comment. Offer of chocolate foodstuffs. Marie: It's admittedly diverting how bad at this you are. Alt-Text: To be fair, he pretty well has it down cold; it's just that he is describing what he should be doing rather than actually doing it. Go to commentary |