1) This is West of Bathurst's 900th in-sequence
2) The title of the book Marie is aggressively reading at Evil Marie is almost too small to read, but so that you won't automatically assume that it's one of the Harry Potter series (which doesn't really involve geeky wizards per se; Harry himself is more of a jock), I can tell you that there's a clue to the real identity of the book in the final panel. It's So You Want to Be a Wizard from Diane Duane's Young Wizards series, and it appears here because it's always been one of those books I return to when I am feeling extremely low and need everything to be right with the universe. The whole series is very much worth reading, and no, the books are not Harry Potter rip-offs unless Duane is, in fact, capable of travelling in time. The first volume was published in 1983, fourteen years before Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone saw the light of day. 3) The Canada Day header has now moved to the Miscellaneous page. 4) Re. the Write-a-Thon:
Liz Argall, one of the write-a-thon organisers and
participants, has mentioned me
in her blog as someone who is doing crazy, crazy comic-related
stuff to raise money for Clarion. The linked blog entry also
details some of the other creative methods people are using to gain
contributions. I am pleased that Liz has pointed out my
donationmeter thingy. Rise, donationmeter thingy! Hit
$200 and go ding! 5) I've managed to reduce my manuscript to 94, 922 words. This is quite a lot of words, of course, but it is fewer than the100,000 or so I had at one point. Now I need to do some more work on the synopsis. Stupid synopses. We hates them, precioussssssss. |
Monday, July 4, 2011 |
Panel 1: Marie sighs as she enters her apartment. Panel 2: She sits on her couch and reads Diane Duane's So You Want to Be a Wizard while simultaneously glaring over it at Evil Marie, who is sitting beside her. Evil Marie: Did spazzing out at Rahim and Baldwin help? Marie: You are a symptom of my psychosis. Panel 3: Evil Marie: Oh, so that's how it's going to be, is it? Wait...are you aggressively reading children's literature at me? Really? Panel 4: Marie [loudly]: Gosh, I identify with these geeky young wizards! Evil Marie [rises and walks away]: I'll go not exist in the other room until the denial wears off. Alt-Text: Aggressively reading children's literature at one's unwelcome brain figments can be surprisingly effective. Go to commentary |