Re. the Write-a-Thon: today will be a heavy marking day, so no writing unless the need to procrastinate becomes unbearable. Marking makes me sad. |
Saturday, July 9, 2011 |
Panel 1: In
the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Marie holds and
stares at her answering machine. Behind her are the words "WEST OF
BATHURST BY KARI MAAREN." Answering Machine:You have 152 new messages. Panel 2: Rahim is standing in his apartment and speaking into his phone. Caption: Monday, July 4th Rahim: Marie, it's me again. Please stop ignoring me. Give me a call, okay? Panel 3: Rahim is walking down the street. Caption: Thursday, July 7th Rahim: You realise I'm just going to keep calling, don't you? You're going to get a lot of messages. Panel 4: Rahim is on his couch. Caption: Saturday, July 9th Rahim: My theory is that you've ditched your cell but continue to cling to your landline. Coincidence? I think not. Panel 5: Rahim is standing in his apartment. Caption: Wednesday, July 13th Rahim: "And, as in uffish thought he stood, The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame, Came whiffling through the tulgey wood, And burbled as it came!" Panel 6: Rahim is standing in his apartment. Caption: Sunday, July 17th Rahim: I know you're there! I can hear you judging me! Panel 7: Marie and Evil Marie are sitting on Marie's futon. Marie is checking her answering machine. Marie: I may be crazy, but I don't think I'm the only one. Evil Marie: Isn't that nice to know? Rahim [on the machine]: *Sob* Alt-Text: I hate leaving phone messages. Mine always go something like this: "Hi, it's Kari. I'm calling because of the, well, I had this thing I needed to...oh, and remember what I told you on Thursday? About the ukulele? Wait a minute, that's not relevant any more. Never mind that. Anyway, I needed to remind you. Could you call me back? I'm not going to be home all day, and I never answer my phone because everyone is always trying to sell me stuff. I've forgotten my number. Do you remember my number? Could you tell me what it is? Anyway, later. Bye. Oh, and don't forget the Thursday thing. Bye again." Go to commentary |