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Monday, July 18, 2011

West of Bathurst 907

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The Harry Potter comic will be available on the Miscellaneous page from here on in.

Re. the write-a-thon: I have finally written the damn synopsis. I have also done a bit more revision. Now I shall revise the synopsis and start on a final round of editing. After that, I'll somehow need to figure out which Canadian publishers are both interested in YA fantasy and accepting unsolicited manuscripts. That should be "fun."

Monday, July 18, 2011
Panel 1: Marie and Evil Marie follow an imaginary Casey through a non-existent forest.

Marie: Why is this happening? Last year, I was fine!

Casey: Were you?

Panel 2:

Casey: Last year, you temporarily regained control of your life. You've been losing that control ever since.

Panel 3:

Marie: What, because of you?

Casey: No, it's not about me. It's never really been about me.

Panel 4: Casey gestures towards a teenage version of Marie sitting on a rock, her right knee in a brace.

Casey: Her, on the other hand...

Evil Marie: Is that another us? We should catch a movie together.

Alt-Text: The benefit would be that they would have to pay for only one ticket.

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