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Saturday, July 23, 2011

West of Bathurst 910

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Yes, it's true: West of Bathurst's fifth birthday is on Sunday. There may be a small extra posted on the actual anniversary, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to do a fullanniversary comic, even if it turned out to be a trifle early. The title in the title panel is a refence to something WoB-related (you can find it if you try).

My latest write-a-thon-related attempt to garner both your sympathy and $100 more:

1) West of Bathurst's fifth birthday is on Sunday. It deserves extra comics. Please donate.

2) I have just had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. On Wednesday at 8:00 p.m., my building's water went out because the City was doing repairs on the water main. We were supposed to be without water until 6:00 a.m. today (Thursday). Well...the city worked on the water main all night--right outside my window, I might add--and continued to work on it well into the afternoon. Incidentally, the temperature had gone up to 37C, with humidity making it feel more like 48. At about the point I found myself tearing the "We are sorry for the inconvenience" poster off the elevator wall and ripping it into tiny little bits, I decided to escape to my office at the university. So basically, I've had no sleep, I'm dehydrated, I was forced to buy a hat at the dollar store because I forgot mine, and I am once again behind on my marking. Please donate.

Today, all I managed to accomplish writing-wise was to get my manuscript more or less into standard submission format. I'll have to print it out and proofread it (yet again) later.

Saturday, July 23, 2011
Panel 1: In the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Evil Marie holds a birthday cake with five candles on it out towards Marie and Casey, who look puzzled. The strip's title, "West of Bathurst by Kari Maaren," is done in the style of the original West of Bathurst banner.

Panel 2: Marie, Evil Marie, and Casey are still lost in the magical mind-forest.

Evil Marie: Ooh. Ooh! Do you know what today is?

Marie: It's July eighteenth, the worst day ever.

Panel 3:

Evil Marie: Nah...that's only in-story. It's really our fifth anniversary.

Marie: Our what?

Panel 4:

Evil Marie: Five years of thrice-weekly four-panel zaniness set in the hallowed halls of academe, plus occasionally in Thingy's head. Five years of angst and shocking plot twists.

Panel 5:

Evil Marie: Above all, five years of only ever breaking the fourth wall in non-canonical out-of-sequence strips. Booyah!

Panel 6:

Casey: Well, actually, the anniversary's tomorrow.

Panel 7:

Evil Marie [not at all pleased]: Damn it.

Marie [to Casey]: Why do I never understand what's happening even when it's inside my own brain?

Alt-Text: Hey, if you can't break your probably-no-breaking-the-fourth-wall-except-in-non-canonical-out-of-sequence-strips record the day before the fifth anniversary of your comic's debut, when CAN you break it?

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014