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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

West of Bathurst 919

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Okay, let's get rid of the big long blurby thing and our epic donationmeter, leaving them forever on the previous page. One write-a-thon-related note: it seems that the Clarion donor prize draw has been won by WoB reader SunshineRain, who will soon be sent a signed first edition of The Jane Austen Book Club. Hurrah!

Yesterday's comic involves the Doctor in a limited capacity, so onto the Doctor-themed page it goes.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Panel 1: Marie and Rahim are sitting on a couch in a psychological institute. A doctor passes them.

Rahim: How long are you going to be in here?

Marie: Probably a few weeks. I've...kind of admitted I need it.

Panel 2:

Hmm...that's new for you.

Marie: Yep.

Rahim: I've got to say:

Panel 3: He grabs her by the shoulders and shakes her.

Rahim: Don't you ever do this to me again. I can't believe you've got yourself into a position where this has become necessary.

Panel 4: He hugs her. She pats him on the back.

Marie: Would you care to join me? Those mood swings are a bad sign.

Rahim: Ha ha ha *sob*

Alt-Text: DON'T YOU EVER, EVER DO THAT AGAIN! EVER!........hold me........

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