Panel 1: In the psychological institute, Marie and Rahim walk down the hall.
Marie: The doctors tell me you brought me in.
Rahim: You don't remember?
Panel 2: A young white man approaches from behind.
Marie: Nope. How'd you know I was in trouble? I was already ignoring your calls.
Rahim: It was July eighteenth, Marie.
Panel 3:
Rahim: Barbara and I made your landlord let us in. You were unresponsive, so we brought you here.
Panel 4: Marie punches herself in the head several times. The young man glances at her as he passes by.
Marie: Behave, stupid brain, behave!
Rahim: You should try that more often.
Alt-Text: It would be nice if hitting oneself repeatedly on the head solved all one's little mental quirks.