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Friday, August 19, 2011

West of Bathurst 923

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Friday, August 19, 2011
Panel 1: Marie is in a session with the bald psychiatrist.

Doctor: You seem distracted, Marie.

Marie: I met Basil at lunch.

Panel 2:

Doctor: And what interests you about Basil?

Marie: His inside doesn't match his outside. I can't figure him out.

Panel 3:

Doctor: Do you need to?

Marie: Hey, this is unusual for me, all right? I usually just pretend things that bother me aren't there.

Panel 4: Evil Marie is standing behind the doctor.

Evil Marie: Tell me about it.

Marie: Who asked you?

Doctor: Moving right along...

Alt-Text: It's just difficult to carry on a conversation about Feelings when there's an invisible person in the room.

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