Panel 1: In
the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, we see sketched-out
versions of Baldwin and Frankie walking along together. Baldwin is
explaining something as Frankie watches him cynically. Beside them are
the words "West of Bathurst by Kari Maaren."
Panel 2: Baldwin is sitting at a restaurant table, looking at a menu. Frankie approaches. Her usually blue hair is black.
Panel 3: Frankie sits down. Baldwin looks up and sees her.
Panel 4: Baldwin gapes openly at Frankie.
Panel 5: Baldwin points dramatically at Frankie's head.
Panel 6:
Yes. I have dyed my hair black, which is, in fact, the colour it
actually is. I'm a lawyer. I'm tired of getting funny looks. So sue me.
Panel 7:
Baldwin: You have shattered my image of the nature of the universe!
Frankie [pointedly picks up the menu]: That's the other reason I did it, obviously.
Alt-Text: I haven't changed my hairstyle since high school. I'm sure you can see where this comic may have come from.