Panel 1: Marie and Rahim are sitting on the couch in the Davies College basement nook.
Marie: I had to work through some things. I feel better about stuff now.
Rahim: What about He Who Must Not Be Named?
Panel 2:
Marie: If
you mean Casey, I decided to fall into his little trap and send someone
to meet him on the twenty-sixth. Whether or not he meant well, he was my friend for a long time. Now we're square.
Panel 3: Rahim watches Marie as she sits there, thinking.
Panel 4:
Marie: If you mean Voldemort, I'm stuck on the fourth horcrux.
Rahim: Admittedly, that's a tricky one.
Alt-Text: "He Who Must Not Be Named" and "You Know Who" used to be such usefully ambiguous phrases. No longer, alas.