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Monday, September 12, 2011

West of Bathurst 935

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Take heed, WoB readers: the first of our five two-weeks-of-daily-comics sessions will begin on Monday, September 19th. That's right: between September 19th and October 2nd, there will be a WoB comic posted every single day, even if it bloody well kills me.

Monday, September 12, 2011
Panel 1: Marie and Rahim are standing in the Davies College quadrangle, talking. A young man with a suitcase approaches them.

Man: Excuse me. Excuse me! I'm supposed to go to House IV, but I can't find it. Do you know where it is?

Panel 2: Marie and Rahim exchange glances.

Panel 3: Both of them point to the "IV" on the wall right next to them.

Panel 4:

Man: Dread and disorientation have eaten my brain.

Marie: I would be concerned if they hadn't.

Alt-Text: To be fair, the blocks with the House numbers on them can be a little hard to see. It's not entirely apparent from the comic, but they lurk around corners; the House IV block is not really visible to someone coming from the direction of the gate.

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014