Good news, everyone: there's
another piece of Fan Stuff,
this one courtesy of reader Dances with Fish and the superhero
generator Heromachine
2.5 (scroll down to the bottom of the Fan Stuff page to see
it). Casey and Marie used to be tied at two Fan Things
apiece, but Casey has now pulled ahead...and how. That is
seriously the sexiest Casey I have ever seen. So, as of now, the WoB Fan Stuff stands as follows: 1) Casey Mulligan Flow Chart 2) Marie Encounters Two Lego Teleporters 3) Casey Encounters the Same Teleporters, Plus Also the Doctor 4) Marie Compared to a Penguin 5) Sexy Casey Quite eclectic, I should say. |
Friday, September 16, 2011 |
Panel 1: In the Davies College quadrangle, Marie and Rahim are talking as a new Junior Fellow lurks nearby. Barbara approaches. Barbara: Hello. I see you've been released back into the wild. Where's Satan? Marie: No idea. Panel 2: Barbara seizes Marie by the shoulders. Barbara: None at all? Nothing's happened? No rare book collections have burst into flame? We're left without a resolution? Panel 3: Barbara begins to walk away. Barbara: I shall write to His Satanic Majesty and demand closure. This is simply no way to end a major plotline! Panel 4: New Junior Fellow: Seriously, are we on Mars? Marie: I'm thinking Narnia. Rahim: Albeit without the allegory. Alt-Text: Also without the really, really unfortunate religious implications. Go to commentary |