Panel 1: In
the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Marie looks through
a gap between the books on a library bookshelf. On the spine of one of
the books are the words "West of Bathurst" and "Kari Maaren."
Panel 2: Marie, smiling cheerily, approaches Barbara. Marie is wearing a backpack and holding a piece of paper in her hand.
Marie: Behold: the list of books I went to find at Robarts Library today.
Panel 3: She shows Barbara the list.
Marie: Note that there are twenty-six items on this list. Note that each is marked as available.
Panel 4:
Note that I double-checked to make sure the volumes in question were,
in fact, at Robarts and not one of the numerous other university
Panel 5: Marie shrugs off her backpack and reaches into it.
Marie: Behold: the books I was actually able to find at Robarts Library today.
Panel 6: Marie holds up two very small books.
Panel 7:
Barbara: You seem oddly frustrated.
Marie [loudly, to the universe in general]: You owe me six hours of my life back, library of doom!
Alt-Text: Yes, this comic is based on many, many, MANY true stories.