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Monday, September 19, 2011

West of Bathurst 939

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Dear Jen, Mimi, Stefan, Earthgirl, Plantgirl, SunshineRain, Emily, Erwaro, Kevin, and everybody else who has been asking me incessantly when Casey is coming back:

He is coming back today.

Yours sincerely,

Monday, September 19, 2011
Panel 1: Marie is sitting on her futon in her pyjamas, reading. Someone knocks on her door.

Panel 2: She opens the door to find a ragged, long-haired Casey cringing in her hallway.

Casey: Hi there.

Panel 3: He falls down.

Panel 4: Marie kneels beside Casey, who is lying on the floor.

Marie: Must you always make an entrance?

Casey: Yes. Maybe not. Where's this again?

Alt-Text: At least he didn't set anything on fire with his mind. Yet.

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