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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

West of Bathurst 940

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Anybody currently going, "What? Is that Casey? Where'd he come from, and why is he on the floor?" should note that this is Tuesday's comic, not Monday's. Click on "Previous" to see Monday's comic.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Panel 1: Casey is lyring on Marie's floor. Marie pulls out her phone to call 9-1-1.

Casey: No hospital.

Panel 2: He buries his face in his arms.

Casey: Get Rahim. He'll tell you. I'm okay. Just...just really, really...

Panel 3: He just lies there.

Panel 4: 

Marie: Tired?

Casey [jerks his head up, alarmed]: Where?

Alt-Text: Run away from the tired!

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