Panel 1: Marie
is sitting outside her closed bathroom door, listening to Rahim trying
to sort Casey out. She digs in her pocket. Casey and Rahim speak from
inside the bathroom.
Casey: What's that?
Rahim: Will you please hold still?
Panel 2: Marie pushes a button on the recording device she has pulled out of her pocket.
Casey: But you're sticking it in there, and I don't know what it's for.
Rahim: Stop squirming. It isn't going to hurt.
Panel 3: Marie holds the device out towards the door.
Casey: What's that?
Rahim: For the love of...what are you, twelve? Lie back, shut up, and let me get on with it!
Panel 4: Marie smirks.
Casey: Is it supposed to tickle?
Rahim: Marie, if you're recording this, I am going to mulch you.
Marie carries a tiny recording device around in her pocket in case she
runs into enemy spies holding suspicious conversations in the library