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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

West of Bathurst 948

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Panel 1: Rahim leads Casey into Marie's living room. Casey is uncharacteristically hugging himself and shivering. Marie holds a bowl of soup.

Marie: What's wrong with him?

Rahim: Mostly exhaustion and malnutrition. He's probably lost about forty pounds.

Panel 2: Rahim sits Casey down on Marie's futon and angrily sets up a pillow for him. There are already blankets on the futon.

Marie: That's...not good.

Casey: Cold...

Rahim: Of course you're cold, you idiot. You've got no body fat.

Panel 3: Rahim stalks away.

Rahim: Get under the damn blankets and eat your soup. Marie, help him; his hands have been shaking all night. If he says a word, pour the soup over his head.

Panel 4: Casey gets under the blankets. Marie sits down beside him on the futon.

Marie: Impressive bedside manner.

Casey: Sssshhhh.

Alt-Text: I get the sense that Rahim has now lost even the very small filter he used to have; he just says whatever comes into his head and leaves everybody else to deal with the consequences.

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