Panel 1: Marie and Rahim sit on Marie's bed, leaning against each other. Rahim has an arm around Marie.
Rahim: Are you okay? That can't have been easy to see.
Marie: I'm handling it.
Panel 2:
He'll be all right, though he really needs to see an actual doctor.
We'll have to persuade him; it's better if he goes willingly.
Marie: The...the wrists?
Panel 3:
Rahim: Not what you think. It's hard to's as if he's been in handcuffs for a long time. Ankles too.
Marie: Handcuffs?
Panel 4:
Rahim: The absurd mystery deepens.
Marie: Somehow, I feel no surprise.
Alt-Text: If they find a resurrected mouse in his pocket, they won't even blink.