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Saturday, October 1, 2011

West of Bathurst 951

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Saturday, October 1, 2011
Panel 1: Marie and Rahim are standing in Marie's bedroom.

Rahim: I shouldn't be taking your bed.

Marie: Yes, you should. You've been working all night. I have a sleeping bag.

Panel 2: Rahim sits down on the bed.

Marie: Rahim?

Rahim: Uh-huh?

Panel 3: She kisses him on the top of the head.

Marie: Thank you.

Panel 4: Rahim immediately dives under the covers.

Marie: What are you doing?

Rahim: I'm hiding under your duvet because it's fun.

Marie: I'll translate that as "See you in the morning."

Alt-Text: I'm not actually sure I can think of anything more adorable than a thirty-seven-year-old nurse hiding under a duvet because a girl has kissed him on the top of his head.

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