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Sunday, October 2, 2011

West of Bathurst 952

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Sunday, October 2, 2011
Panel 1: In the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Marie and Evil Marie appear as monochrome colour-reversed versions of each other, one on either side of the panel. Marie is staring at Evil Marie, who is smiling wickedly. The words "West of Bathurst / by Kari Maaren" appear twice, again mirrored; on the right side of the panel, the words are in reverse.

Panel 2: Marie is in her sleeping bag in the dark. Evil Marie is leaning on her.

Evil Marie: Seen Caid lately?

Marie: Trying to sleep here, actually.

Panel 3:

Evil Marie: I think I raise a valid point. Caid hasn't been around since you got back from the nuthouse.

Marie: What a nice soft pillow this is...

Panel 4:

Evil Marie:
You sent Basil to meet Casey before you checked out. And then...

Panel 5:

Evil Marie:
Bam: Casey turns up with shackle marks on his wrists and ankles. Makes you think, doesn't it? Doesn't it?

Panel 6:

Marie: No.

Panel 7: Marie pulls the covers over her head.

Evil Marie: Translation: "When spooky things happen, I bury my head in the sand."

Marie: You're spooky; I hold whole conversations with you.

Alt-Text: Conversations are always ever so slightly better when they're spooky.

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