Panel 1: In
Marie's living room, Casey is zonked out on the futon, and Rahim has
just finished examining him. Rose, still dressed in her pyjamas,
Rose: Hi.
Rahim: Morning. Don't worry about being quiet; he didn't even twitch when I changed his dressings.
Panel 2: They move away from the futon.
Rahim: I've got to get ready for my shift, but I'll come back tonight. Will you be all right?
Marie: Sure...I can work from home today.
Panel 3:
Rahim: Make sure he gets some food when he wakes up...not too much. If anything happens, call 911.
Panel 4: Rahim begins to walk away.
Rahim: And wait till I'm back before you yell at him. I want to watch.
Marie: Granted.
I maintain that Rahim has a perfect right to be really, really, really
grumpy about this whole situation for exactly as long as he likes.