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Friday, October 28, 2011

West of Bathurst 972

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Friday, October 28, 2011
Panel 1: At Davies College, Sara has led Marie and Casey to her room.

Sara: You can stay in my room for a bit. He shouldn't go back to the party.

Panel 2: Casey and Marie sit on the bed. Casey buries his face in his hands. Marie strokes his hair.

Marie: How did you know--

Sara: I used to have panic attacks all the time.

Panel 3:
Casey looks up as Sara walks away.

Casey: S-sorry--

Sara: It's not your fault. I'm going to go yell at those morons now. Goodbye.

Panel 4:

Marie: It's like watching a mouse open its little mouth and swallow an elephant whole.

Casey: Mm-hmm.

Alt-Text: Sara is going to make the morons HURT. A LOT.

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