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Monday, October 31, 2011

West of Bathurst 974

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Happy Hallowe'en. Boo.

Monday, October 31, 2011
Panel 1: Marie, Casey, and Barbara are sitting on Sara's bed at Davies College. They are dressed up as Doctor Who characters: respectively, River Song, the Eleventh Doctor, and Amy Pond.

Marie: Have you ever had a panic attack before?

Casey: I don't think so.

Panel 2:

Marie: You don't think so?

Casey: Well, you never know; I may have had one way back when I was...uh...

Panel 3:
He smiles this huge, weirdly guilty-looking smile.

Panel 4:

Casey: ...less old than I am now...

Marie and Barbara [bump fists across Casey's body]: Satan.

Alt-Text: "Casey = Satan" could make an interesting drinking game. You would have to take a shot every time he said anything that implied he was a) immortal, b) supernatural, c) not human, d) unconcerned with any aspect of the ordinary everyday world, or e) interested in tentacles.

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