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Saturday, November 12, 2011

West of Bathurst 980

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Well, it's technically still the weekend. I'm sorry for this comic's tardiness. There were all these things I had to do on Friday, and on Saturday I somehow fell asleep in the middle of the afternoon and then got a headache in the evening, and now I have the flu. It's possible Monday's comic will be up later tonight--it hasn't got many fiddly bits--but it's also possible you'll have to wait until later on Monday, as I still have to read over tomorrow's lecture and then mark stuff.

Usual Marking Comic Caveat: if you are one of my current students, please don't think the comic is about you. I base the marking comics on my experiences as a TA and an instructor, but they do not target specific students.

Saturday, November 12, 2011
Panel 1: In the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Barbara is looking cynical as she glances sidelong at the title page of an essay, which reads, "Draft 1 (Pending Your Detailed Review)." "West of Bathurst" and "by Kari Maaren" are written on the title page in red pen.

Panel 2: Barbara sits in her university office, talking to a student, a young blonde woman.

Student: So I brought my paper with me. Could you look over it and tell me if I'm going to do okay?

Barbara: I'll check your thesis, but I can't pre-mark the paper.

Panel 3:

No, I understand, but could you just read it over and tell me if it's heading for an "A"?

Barbara: That's pre-marking. I can't pre-mark it.

Panel 4:

Student: Yeah, absolutely, except I just need you to make sure it's good before I hand it in.

Barbara: I have over two hundred students; I can't pre-mark all their work. I'll look at your thesis.

Panel 5:

Student: But that's not enough. I'm not asking you to pre-mark it; I'm just asking you to read it and give it a mark.

Barbara: That's pre-marking. I can't pre-mark it. I can't mark your paper before I mark your paper because that's pre-marking.

Panel 6: They stare at each other.

Panel 7:

Student: So anyway, if you could pre-mark my paper--

Barbara [reaches towards her desk]: You'll need to excuse me while I stab myself in the eye with this stapler.

Alt-Text: When these conversations happen via e-mail, they can continue for DAYS.

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014