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Monday, November 14, 2011

West of Bathurst 981

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If you blinked and missed the "Saturday" comic, which was up for only a few hours before Monday's comic replaced it, please click on "Previous" or go visit it on the Marking Page, where it now also resides.

The Hallowe'en header has moved to the Miscellaneous Page. I shall miss it.

Today's comic is dedicated to Ester, Libby, Natalie, Barry, and everybody else who graduated last week. Congratulations. Use your extremely expensive pieces of paper wisely.

Monday, November 14, 2011
Panel 1: Rahim stands by himself, dressed in his graduation gown, holding his rolled-up diploma.

Panel 2: He looks through the diploma as if it is a telescope.

Panel 3:
He unrolls it and reads it.

Panel 4: He approaches Marie and Barbara, shaking the diploma at them.

Rahim: That's it? That's all I get?

Barbara: There's also the crippling debt.

Alt-Text: A Ph.D. is a lot to go through for a fancy piece of paper and some hugs.

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014