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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

West of Bathurst 985

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Happy 48th birthday, Doctor Who. I apologise for the recycled image, but I did not realise until I woke up this morning that it was your birthday. Here is your page, incidentally. Also, the DW header has returned for today only.

An action figure of the Eleventh Doctor from the show Doctor Who, complete with fez and mop, sits on a small metal case in front of a computer screen displaying a West of Bathurst comic featuring Marie's Eleventh Doctor action figure.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Panel 1: In Marie's apartment, Rahim stares at Casey, his eyes narrowed. Casey notices.

Casey: Uh...what?

Panel 2:

Have you even gone outside since Hallowe'en?

Casey: Well, not as such.

Panel 3:

Rahim: Not as such?

Casey: There's a terrace upstairs. I stood on it for five minutes once.

Panel 4: Rahim and Casey walk away from each other.

Rahim: This is me giving up.

Casey: This is me wondering what took you so long.

Alt-Text: Outside is overrated. It contains vicious old bald men who step out in front of you in crosswalks and scream abuse at you because the light turned amber when you and your bike were already in the intersection. And no, this is not a suspiciously specific example. Why do you ask?

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014