Saturday, November 26, 2011 |
Panel 1: In
the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, two young women
approach Sara, who is sitting in the Davies College basement nook,
reading something on some sheets of paper held together by a paper
clip. The women exchange glances. The words "West of Bathurst by Kari
Maaren" appear in the panel in big bubble letters. Panel 2: The two women sit down on the couch on either side of Sara. Woman 1: You know, you should be more outgoing. Woman 2: Yeah! Why aren't you? Panel 3: Woman 1: You never have any fun. Woman 2: I mean, who doesn't want to have fun? Panel 4: Woman 1: If you're an introvert, it's your own fault. Woman 2: People who claim to be introverts are really just anti-social. Panel 5: Sara removes the paper clip. Woman 1: We're only saying this for your own good. Woman 2: We really think that if you came out of your shell, you could be a profitable member of the-- Panel 6: Sara bounces the paper clip off Woman 1's face. When she turns towards Woman 1, her long, fluffy ponytail hits Woman 2 in her face. Panel 7: Sara goes back to reading. Woman 1: I...what were we talking about again? Woman 2: ......Hair......? Alt-Text: If you ever want to shut people up completely, do something so inexplicably inappropriate to the situation that they are left with absolutely nothing to say. Go to commentary |