Panel 1: Casey and Marie are sitting on Marie's futon.
Casey: I can't go to Davies. Not yet.
Marie: Okay...dinner in a restaurant with Rahim and Barbara.
Panel 2:
Casey: I don't have any money.
Marie: What kind of stupid excuse is that? Have I even charged you room and board?
Panel 3:
I've been keeping a very precise tally in my head. I know you're
financially secure, but that doesn't mean I don't plan to pay you back.
Panel 4:
Marie: If we don't leave the apartment at some point in the next few hours, I'm probably going to kill you.
Casey: I'll add a burger and fries to the list.
There are people I've wanted to kill after sharing quite a large house
with them for two days. Spending months in a one-bedroom apartment with
a maddening shut-in who won't answer questions is kind of unimaginable
to me.