Just a note: from now on, I'll be posting my weekly Monday
Rants on the WoB Talk blog (accessible via the "Comment" button) as
well as on the Rants page. The fortnightly comic-related
threads will continue to appear. Today's Rant is a bit special, incidentally, albeit not in a particularly happy way. |
Monday, December 5, 2011 |
Panel 1: Barbara, Rahim, Casey, and Marie are in a booth at a restaurant. They all have glasses of water. Marie: Let's just talk about something harmless. Casey: Okay. Panel 2: Barbara, Casey, and Marie all open their mouths. Panel 3: Barbara, Casey, and Marie all close their mouths. Panel 4: Marie: Well, that didn't work at all. Casey: The silence is eating my brain! Alt-Text: "Maybe we can talk about not having anything to talk about." "Aaaaaargh..." Go to commentary |