Holiday Header: In
a Christmas mantelpiece display, the Eleventh Doctor holds up his sonic
screwdriver and faces off against a Dalek made of candy and two
reindeer. In the meantime, a Ringwraith stands near a snowman and
menaces Santa Claus. On one greeting card are the words "West of
Bathurst by Kari Maaren"; on the other are the words "Joyeux Noël."
Panel 1: Casey opens Marie's apartment door, revealing Nico standing in the hallway, glaring.
Casey: I was expecting you sooner.
Nico: Don't be ridiculous. Is she here?
Panel 2: Nico storms into the apartment.
Casey: Grocery shopping.
Nico: You're completely mad. You know that? Completely mad.
Panel 3: Nico grabs Casey by the front of his shirt.
You know the rules! Why are you risking everything like this? I can't
protect you forever. Sooner or later, it's going to go wrong.
Panel 4: Marie and Evil Marie are sitting on Marie's bathroom floor. Marie is handcuffed to a cabinet.
Evil Marie: What fun new mysterious things we are learning.
Marie: Yay.
Alt-Text: Cryptic panic is the very best kind.