Panel 1: Marie
is still attempting to pick the lock on the handcuffs chaining her to
one of her bathroom cupboards. Evil Marie is watching. Marie's phone,
which is out of reach, rings.
Evil Marie: Aren't you going to get that?
Marie: Ha ha. It'll be Rahim.
Panel 2:
Marie: Picking the cuffs isn't working, but I can probably use this nail file to unscrew the door.
Evil Marie: You're taking this very calmly.
Panel 3:
Marie: Getting mad at Casey when he panics and does the wrong thing is like getting mad at a puppy when it pees on the carpet.
Panel 4:
Evil Marie: Are you going to spank him with a rolled-up newspaper?
Marie: I'll probably just speak sternly and send him to his basket.
Alt-Text: If he stays there quietly for an hour, she'll rub his ears and give him a cookie.