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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

West of Bathurst 1010

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Panel 1: Barbara is teaching a children's literature class.

Student: How can you teach kids' lit and not like Twilight?

Barbara: That's a good question, scarf-wearing girl.

Panel 2: The screen now shows Edward from Twilight with a "no" sign over his face.

Barbara: I appreciate children's literature for its imagination, its ability to capture the zeitgeist, its subtle and intelligent methods of challenging young minds.

Panel 3:

Barbara: Twilight has sparkly vampires and propels feminism backwards about a century.

Panel 4:

Student: So what's wrong with that?

Barbara: Unfortunately, I rest my case.

Alt-Text: I'm not sure you'll have noticed, but I'm not really going for "subtle" here.

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