Panel 1: Barbara is teaching a kids' lit class.
Student: I think you just hate Twilight because it's popular.
Barbara: Only partly true, spiky-haired girl.
Panel 2: The screen now shows a picture of Harry Potter, a "greater than" sign, and a picture of Bella Swan from Twilight.
Barbara: I enjoy the Harry Potter series, which is arguably more popular than the Twilight series.
Panel 3:
Barbara: Of course, Harry Potter informs young readers that magic is alive in the world, whereas Twilight encourages little girls to fall obsessively in love with abusive stalkers.
Panel 4:
Student: ...Harsh, dude.
Barbara: I lost a preteen cousin to the sourge that is Twilight. Don't let it happen to you.
Alt-Text: Where
have all the young girls gone? They've gone to _Twilight_, every one.
When will they ever learn? When will they eeeeeeeeever learn?