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Friday, January 20, 2012

West of Bathurst 1014

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Barring unforeseen circumstances, the Third Great WoB Extravaganza will begin on Monday, January 23rd and continue until Sunday, February 5th. During this period, a West of Bathurst comic will be posted every day instead of every two days. Newcomers to the strip should note that I owe you guys five such Extravaganzas, which served as incentives during my participation in last summer's Clarion Write-a-Thon (I promised one for every $200 raised). It is unlikely that I'll be able to get to numbers 4 and 5 before the summer term, but they are coming; I haven't forgotten about them. At the moment, the worst of the marking hasn't yet started. I didn't announce the Extravaganza earlier because I do have another project (an online course I'm authoring) I need to be working on now, and I wasn't sure I would have enough time for two weeks' worth of daily comics. Luckily, I have already completed quite a bit of the work on the comics and am thus ready to go.

Friday, January 20, 2012
Panel 1: Barbara is teaching her kids' lit class.

Student: So if we like Twilight, you're going to fail us?

Barbara: No, usually-prominent-tattoo boy.

Panel 2: The screen now shows a picture of Buffy Summers stabbing Edward Cullen with a stake.

Barbara: I am simply going to regard you with grief and disappointment, like so:

Panel 3: Barbara looks at her students with big, sad eyes as a tear slides down her cheek.

Panel 4:

Student: The single tear was a nice touch.

Barbara: I thought so too.

Alt-Text: A lot of damage can be done with a frowny face and a single tear.

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014