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Thursday, January 26, 2012

West of Bathurst 1019

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Reminder: we have begun the Third Great WoB Extravaganza. You are looking at this week's fourth comic. Come early! Come often! Read the comic at the thrilling pace of four panels per day!

Thursday, January 26, 2012
Panel 1: A smiling man with long hair and a beard approaches Marie from behind.

Man: Marie?

Panel 2:

Marie: I know you?

Man: Well, yeah. Basil, remember? From the psychiatric institute?

Panel 3:

Marie: But...but...

Panel 4:

Fuzzy...Wuzzy...was a...uhhh...

Basil: I take it my beard is disconcerting you.

Alt-Text: Fuzzy Wuzzy was EXTREMELY fuzzy wuzzy, was he?

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