Reminder: we have begun the Third Great WoB Extravaganza. You are looking at this week's fifth comic. Keep reading if you do not want monsters to eat you. |
Friday, January 27, 2012 |
Panel 1: Marie and Basil walk through the park together. Marie: So have you been okay? I mean... Basil [smiles]: My existence is more or less torture, but I get by. Panel 2: Marie: When I last saw you, I told you...uh... Basil: To go to Timmy's to meet that crazy homeless guy, yeah. You know what? I think he may be Satan. Panel 3: Marie stares at Basil. Panel 4: Marie hugs Basil violently. Marie: Thank you so much. Basil: Not the reaction I was expecting, but okay. Alt-Text: Ooh...I know: Basil is really Barbara! No, wait: Marie is just imagining Basil, who is Barbara's long-lost twin, or would be if either of them existed! No, wait: Marie has been dead all along! Okay, carry on. Go to commentary |