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Saturday, January 28, 2012

West of Bathurst 1021

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Reminder: we have begun the Third Great WoB Extravaganza. You are looking at this week's sixth comic. Things just keep pluggin' along...

Saturday, January 28, 2012
Panel 1: Marie and Basil are talking in the park.

Marie: Are you allowed to talk about this? The last person who...met Casey...wouldn't say anything.

Basil: Playing it safe, I guess.

Panel 2:

Basil: I know exactly what I can and can't say. It would be really bad if I slipped up, but playing with fire doesn't bother me.

Panel 3:

So seriously, that guy's got to be the devil. All the clues are there. I wonder where he is now.
Panel 4:

Marie: Living in my apartment.

Basil: That may just be the best thing ever.

Alt-Text: I know I've often wanted to have the Destroyer of Worlds living in MY apartment.

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