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Sunday, January 29, 2012

West of Bathurst 1022

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Reminder: we have begun the Third Great WoB Extravaganza. You are looking at this week's seventh comic. It's in colour and everything.

Sunday, January 29, 2012
Panel 1: In the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Rahim glares at Casey, who looks as if he is desperately trying to explain something. Evil Marie makes bunny ears over Casey's head. Bubble letters proclaim: "West of Bathurst by Kari Maaren."

Panel 2: Rahim has his phone to his ear.

Casey [on the phone]: Hello?

Rahim: Hi, Casey. Is Marie there?

Panel 3: In Marie's apartment, Casey is lying on the futon while he talks on the phone.

Casey: No...she went crazy and stormed out.

Rahim: I beg your pardon?

Panel 4: Evil Marie is sitting beside Casey.

Evil Marie: That's a bit of an exaggeration.

Casey: Well, but I don't know how else to explain it.

Evil Marie: Hormones?

Panel 5:

Casey: Hormones.

Evil Marie: Are you unaware of the female--

Casey: No, I'm not. Stop talking.

Evil Marie: Why?

Panel 6: Rahim stares at his phone as he listens to Casey's side of the conversation.

Casey [on the phone]: Because you never say anything useful. No, I'm been counting. You're compl--well, so's your mom!

Panel 7:

Rahim: When did you start talking to imaginary people?

Casey [on the phone]: Shiny object, yadda yadda yadda.

Alt-Text: At this point, it's the characters who DON'T talk to imaginary people who are the odd ones out.

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