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Friday, February 3, 2012

West of Bathurst 1027

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We are continuing with the Third Great WoB Extravaganza. The obscure, maddening almost-clues just keep on coming...

It is worth noting that one of you has finally discovered one of my references over five years after I first started weaving it into the comic. I've become more and more pointed about it, though I guess that in WoB terms, what that actually means is that I've become less and less blindingly obscure about it. At any rate, to find out what it is, read the comments here.

Friday, February 3, 2012
Panel 1: In the past, in Tim Hortons, Casey hands Basil his green jacket.

Casey: Here you are, then. I...I...

Panel 2: Basil puts the jacket on.

Basil: Maybe you should sit back down.

Casey: I try so hard to keep all breaks up into shards and fragments.

Panel 3: Casey seizes Basil by the shoulders.

Casey: There's nothing to be done. It's all a trap. We go around and around and around, and there's never a door out.

Panel 4:

Basil: It was nice to meet you too.

Casey: If only the raspberries weren't crying...

Alt-Text: BUT THEY ARE. And that's terrible.

Go to commentary

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