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Saturday, February 4, 2012

West of Bathurst 1028

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We are continuing with the Third Great WoB Extravaganza. It is, however, almost over. The horror...the horror.

Saturday, February 4, 2012
Panel 1: Back in the present, Marie and Basil are talking in a cafe.

Marie: Wow.

Basil: It's a bit of a wow, yeah. Is he still kind of crazy?

Panel 2:

Marie: Not really. He has a hard time remembering some things, but what he says makes sense.

Basil: Huh.

Panel 3:

To sum up: I'm pretty sure I made a deadly bargain with His Satanic Majesty, but it's equally possible that I simply had a nonsensical conversation with a lunatic in a doughnut shop.

Panel 4:

Marie: That about covers it.

Basil: I'm having way too much fun, which is, of course, quite a big deal for me.


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