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Sunday, February 5, 2012

West of Bathurst 1029

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This extremely colourful comic, which may or may not make your eyes bleed, marks the end of the Third Great WoB Extravaganza. Next week's comics will be MWF, and I shall go back to getting actual work done, or so I devoutly hope.

One caveat: Monday's comic may be late (for me), as I'll be spending most of Sunday on a plane and won't get in until after midnight.

Sunday, February 5, 2012
Panel 1: In the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Marie and Rahim are chatting happily as they walk past a mural featuring huge party masks. A poster on the wall reads, "Welcome to the Davies Winter Ball! (Before entering, please check common sense.") On the mural in cursive are also the words "West of Bathurst" and "by Kari Maaren."

Panel 2: Marie and Rahim are sitting on a bench in the foyer of Davies College, which is decorated with the same mural seen in the first panel. They remain in place throughout everything that follows. Two young women, both in evening gowns, one (Woman 1) white with long blonde hair and one (Woman 2) Black with short black hair, enter the foyer.

Caption: 6:46 p.m.

Woman 1: I'm so nervous! I can't believe Kyle got me a corsage!

Woman 2: Just breathe, Chantelle.

Panel 3: Chantelle storms through the foyer, crying, as Woman 2 follows her.

Caption: 8:02 p.m.

Woman 2:
Oh my God. Why did you do that thing with the red wine?

Chantelle: Don't talk to me. Don't look at me. My life is completely over.

Panel 4:Woman 2 talks to two smiling white men.

9:37 p.m.

Woman 2: then she threw her wine in his face. But he's sticking his tongue down Allie's throat now, so I guess he's okay.

Panel 5: Two new woman, one with black hair and one with brown, talk in the foyer as Marie and Rahim share some popcorn.

11:00 p.m.

Woman 3:
The most essential aspect of the text is its postulation that quantum indeterminacy has far-reaching metaphorical implications.

Woman 5: Intriguing.

Panel 6: Chantelle is back, sobbing in the face of a blond man who is presumably Kyle. A black-haired woman, probably Allie, is there too.

12:33 a.m.

You never loved me!

Kyle: You're delusional.

Allie: You told me she was your cousin.

Panel 7: Yet another woman, this one with brown hair, crouches beside the bench.

Caption: 12:34 a.m.

Marie: It got slow in the middle, but there was a good twist at the end.

Rahim: I liked the middle; it gave the story depth.

Woman 6: You know we're gonna have to charge you guys admission, right?

Alt-Text: Seriously...if you're too cheap to shell out for a movie, just go sit in the lobby during the Winter Ball and let events unfold as they may.

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014