Panel 1: In
the basement of Davies College, Marie sits on the floor, her arm around
Casey, who is not reacting well to the Murder Game. Off panel, some
Junior Fellows are talking.
Person 1: Keep away!
Person 2: Oh, stop protecting her; you know she'll turn on you in the end.
Panel 2:
Person 1: That will never happen.
Person 3: Well...I'm not racking up any kills this way. Need a partner, Morris?
Panel 3: Casey buries his face in his knees.
Person 2: Yep. I'll just duck into the other room...
Person 3: Honey, you're dead.
Person 1: What? How could you?
Panel 4: Marie leans against Casey and smiles.
Person 2: Screw're dead too.
Person 3: I shall devote my afterlife to ensuring your demise.
Person 1: This is the best game ever. [Sobs]
Alt-Text: This would be a portrayal of one of the MILDER sorts of betrayal likely to happen during the Murder Game.