Panel 1: Marie and Casey are sitting on the floor in the basement of Davies College. Marie takes Casey's chin in her hand.
Marie: This may not, in hindsight, have been the best day to force you to come here.
Casey: Where's this again?
Panel 2: She stands up and holds out a hand to him.
Marie: Uh-huh. Up you get. We'll come back at midnight on a Sunday.
Panel 3: A young man and a young woman appear and accost them. Marie attempts to get Casey behind her.
Woman: Who are you? Declare your allegiance, miscreants!
Man: They're spies for Sara! We must drive them away with cries of contempt and horror.
Panel 4:
Marie: Or, you know, never.
Man: The big one looks traumatised. Hurrah!
Alt-Text: Mercy and empathy are not qualities that ensure Murder Game success.