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Saturday, February 18, 2012

West of Bathurst 1036

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If you think this comic is an exaggeration, check out this ad for Lego Friends, as well as this short news story on the new line.

Hey, geniuses: maybe girls haven't been buying your product because for the last seven years, your ads have been aimed exclusively at boys. It's just a thought.

This comic is dedicated to my friend Jen, as a conversation I had with her led directly to its creation.

Saturday, February 18, 2012
Panel 1: In the first extremely pink panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Marie and Barbara stand at bay as shadowy arms reach out towards them. The words "West of Bathurst" and "By Kari Maaren" are done in the style of the Lego logo.

Panel 2: Barbara places a large pink Lego Friends box on a table in front of Marie.

Marie: Ew. What is that, and why is it hurting my brain?

Barbara: It's Lego.

Panel 3: They open the box. Marie pulls out a figurine.

Barbara: My sister asked me to pick it up for my nieces.

Marie: It's pink. There are Barbies. What's happening?

Panel 4: Barbara is holding a little pink object.

Barbara: My guess is that the Lego marketers, in the mistaken belief that only boys play with Lego, have created a line for girls.

Marie: that a tiny little hot tub?

Panel 5:

Marie: It makes me feel lost and alone in a cold, uncaring universe.

Barbara: We can fix it.

Panel 6:

Marie: It's not too late?

Barbara: It's never too late.

Panel 7: Barbara's nieces have opened the box on their rec-room floor. There are three nieces: Rose, thirteen, Denise, almost eight, and Alex, three. We did not know any of this in 2012, when the comic was published, but we do now, as the girls feature in the comic It Never Rains. Denise is looking at the minifigs in bewilderment as Rose holds the hot tub.

Rose: ...So apparently, the hot tub is now on wheels, the spa has been filled with monkeys, and someone has dressed "Stacie" and "Madison" up as time-travelling astronauts.

Alex: Yay!

Alt-Text: Maybe she used too many monkeys...

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