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Monday, February 27, 2012

West of Bathurst 1040

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Monday, February 27, 2012
Panel 1: Casey is on Marie's futon, under the covers. Marie sits beside him.

Marie: Casey, you need to stop this now.

Casey: Why?

Panel 2: She yanks the covers back, revealing his face.

Marie: Because you're scaring the hell out of me.

Casey: Boo freaking hoo.

Panel 3:
She gets right up on top of him and leans in.

Marie: And because if you don't stop sulking, I'm going to call Rahim, and we're going to take you to the hospital and have you force-fed through a tube.

Panel 4:

Casey: You have a mean streak.

Marie: Boo freaking hoo.

Alt-Text: And THEN she'll LAUGH at you.

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