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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

West of Bathurst 1048

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Panel 1: Marie, Barbara, Casey, and Rahim walk down the street in a residential neighbourhood.

Rahim: I fail to comprehend why you don't just deny being Satan.

Casey: Would you believe me if I did?

Panel 2:


Casey: Satan is the father of lies. It stands to reason that he would deny being Satan.

Panel 3:

But since you know that, the fact that you don't deny it is meaningless.

Casey: Unless I also knew you would know that.

Panel 4: Casey smiles brightly as Rahim's shoulders sag.

Rahim: He's Princess Bride-ing us again, isn't he?

Barbara: I'm adding that to the Satan list.

Alt-Text: ...As you wish.

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