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Monday, March 19, 2012

West of Bathurst 1051

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If you think I'm just following another trend with the whole Holmes thing, you should note that I first put Barbara in the Holmes outfit in January of 2009, nearly a year before the release of Guy Ritchie's film version and a year and a half before Sherlock first appeared on the air. I introduced the Holmes material because I had recently read a great many Holmes stories in preparation for a course I was teaching, and I had really enjoyed them. I am still a Holmes fan; I'm a Sherlock fan as well, but I do know and love the original material.

Monday, March 19, 2012
Panel 1: Marie is sitting on the couch in the Davies College basement nook, her laptop on her lap. Barbara, dressed as Sherlock Holmes, gazes down at Marie, her hands on her lips.

Panel 2: Barbara kneels on the couch and contemplates Marie.

Panel 3:
Barbara leans down towards Marie.

Panel 4:

Move along; nothing here to deduce.

Barbara: Oh, Watson, how laughably naive you are.

Alt-Text: One thing I very much enjoy about the original Holmes stories is how snarky Holmes gets to Watson sometimes. Half his comments are along the lines of: "What a brilliant try that was, Watson! Well done! Of course, you're completely wrong, but your incompetence allows me to show off my own powers of deduction, so THAT'S all right." Watson is actually a very intelligent man, but Holmes treats him like a bright six-year-old.

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