Panel 1: In
the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Marie watches as
Barbara gestures cynically towards the title page of a paper. It reads,
"Analysis of Charlotte Webb." Someone has written "West of Bathurst?"
and "??--by Kari Maaren" on the title page in red ink.
Panel 2: Barbara is sitting at a table, grading papers. Marie, sitting beside her, picks up a paper and reads the title.
Marie: This student is apparently writing on Lions, Witches, and Wardrobes. That's funny.
Barbara [hands Marie a stack of papers]: Funny, you say?
Panel 3:
Marie [reads]: Alice in the Looking Glass...Tom Midnight's Garden...Wrinkling Through Time...
Panel 4:
Marie [reads]: The Phantom Toolbox...Harry Potter and the Philosophy Stone...Bridge to Tereformia...
Panel 5:
Marie [reads]: Carline...Swallowing Amazons...The Treasure Islands...A Sequence of Unfortunate Evenings...
Panel 6: Marie stares incredulously at the papers.
Panel 7:
Marie: The titles are right there on the covers of the books!
Barbara: But how are they to know that?
Alt-Text: Again,
not an exaggeration. I did kids'-lit titles because that's what
Barbara's teaching right now, but I've seen so many essays on _The
Shinning_, _The Hounds of Baskerville_, "The Cast of Amontillado," and
"The House of the Ushers" that sometimes I begin to wonder if *I'm* the
one who's been getting them wrong.