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Monday, April 2, 2012

West of Bathurst 1058

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If you missed this year's aggressively non-canonical April Fool's Day strip, you can find it here or via either the archive or the Miscellaneous page. If you missed Saturday's colour comic because you checked on Sunday and found the gag strip instead, click on "Previous" above. As well, as the comic involves Barbara's endless war against undergraduate essay foibles, it has been added to the marking collection, which is also available via the Miscellaneous page.

Monday, April 2, 2012
Panel 1: Casey and Marie are sitting on Marie's futon. Casey, for the first time since his return, is wearing a tie.

Casey: I'm remembering things.

Marie: Things?

Panel 2: Casey massages his temple.

Casey: I'm remembering all sorts of things. I remember you pushing me into a pond.

Panel 3:

More than once.

Casey: I taught Barbara to juggle.

Marie: Yes!

Casey: We went searching for the Northwest Passage.

Panel 4:

Casey: ...That last one's not right, is it?

Marie: And I was so hoping it was a magical memory tie...

Alt-Text: I still think it may be magical. It's STRIPEY.

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014